Thank You

Local history is a very interesting and topical subject. I have been able to gather as much during my research on Mission Local, Robert “Pop” Grinsted. Robert Grinsted did so much for local history even if it was just providing a weekly article. He created a piece that brought the community together while also informing individuals. I am honoured to have brought to life the efforts and care he put into his weekly newspaper column. I am hopeful that the community of Mission will find access to my page and that it will allow them more information on this delightful individual. Local history is important as it is a means of preserving community heritage so we must create an easy and digestible way to access parts of it.

I would like to thank The Mission Community Archives for their continued support and guidance during this project. I especially would like to acknowledge Val Billesberger who has a wealth of knowledge on the history of Mission and created the idea for my project. This project would not have been possible without your help. Lastly, I would like to thank my wonderful Professor Dr. Scott Sheffield for his wealth of knowledge and assistance.

Works Cited

Fraser Valley Record (Mission, BC, Canada) Accessed through the Mission Community Archives. 

Grinsted, Robert, In Memorium Album, 1946. Mission Community Archives. MCA-0249-S06-ALB1-001.

Hayes, Geoffrey, Mike Bechthold, and Matt Symes, eds.  Canada and the Second World War: Essays in Honour of Terry Copp.  Waterloo:  Wilfrid Laurier University Press,  2012.

Hills, Doris. Mrs. Doris Hills Scrapbook, December 13, 1935. Copy Number 20220 GRI-1. Mission Community Archives

Mission Secondary School, Mission High School Annual 1945-46, Mission Community Archives

“PHOTOS: Custodian from Mission’s first high school compiled album of fallen WW2 alumni.” Mission City Record, November 6, 2020,

Sutherland, Duff. “Homefront and Battlefront: Nelson BC in World War II.” BC Studies no. 149 (Spring, 2006): 105-106.